How to Create a Stand Out GitHub Profile README

How to Create a Stand Out GitHub Profile README

How I Changed My GitHub Profile README

This is my new GitHub README. Here is how I changed my profile:

1. Wave Badge

wave gif.gif

In a README you can add GIFs too! I found this wave GIF in this blog and thought it would be nice to add.

<img src="" width="30px">


I used Social Media links from this repo and changed the style to "flat". You can check out for more info. The example below is for Twitter.

[<img src="" />](YOUR LINK HERE)

3. Visitor Badge

image.png Change the userName to your own GitHub account. Check out this repo for more info!

[visitor badge]({userName}.visitor-badge)

4. GitHub Stats


I used 2 types of stats in my profile. Change the userName to your own GitHub account name to add to your README. Check out this repo for more variations of the stats!

<img height="180em" src="{userName}&show_icons=true&hide_border=false&&count_private=true&include_all_commits=true&theme=radical" />
<img height="220em" src="{userName}&show_icons=true&hide_border=false&&count_private=true&include_all_commits=true&theme=radical" />

If You Don't Want to Spend Too Much Time

If you don't have time but still want to make a nice README, you can use GitHub Profile README Generator like this one!
👉GitHub Profile README Generator
Enter the form and voilà! You got yourself an amazing README!

Want to Find More Creative Ideas?

Here's a website for you to find inspiration!
👉Awesome GitHub Profile READMEs


How To Create An Awesome Github Profile README
How to have an awesome GitHub profile ?
Build a Stunning README For Your GitHub Profile